Bacoban Water Based Concentrate: A Disinfectant with Long-Lasting Performance


Companies offering cleaning and disinfecting solutions use high-quality disinfectants that ensure effective protection against pathogens, bacteria and virus. They ensure to clean hard and soft surfaces of residential and commercial set-up with such disinfectants that leave behind no odor, kill virus, bacteria and other microorganisms and prevent the spread of infection. Fortunately, Bacoban water-based concentrate meet the following criteria successfully. It is an alcohol-free and water-based disinfectant that contains a polycondensate and is free from phenol and aldehydes.

How Bacoban WB Disinfects Surfaces?

The cleaning companies know the fact that people are looking for such kind of disinfectant or cleaning solution that offers long-lasting protection against germs. Bacoban is one of the highest grade disinfectants offering long-lasting protection against microorganisms, bacteria, virus and fungi with the process of elusion. When any surface is cleaned with Bacoban water based concentrate, it leaves behind a micro-protection layer which keeps surfaces disinfected for as long as 10 days. Many studies prove that the Bacoban WB is highly effective against fungi, bacteria and different kinds of viruses (Influenza, hepatitis B and C, HIV, Influenza to name a few).

This medical-grade disinfectant is competent to clean almost any kind of surfaces made from metal, ceramics, plastics to name a few. One can even disinfect door handles, hand rails, cleaning polished metals, carpets, leather and kitchen surface with this disinfectant safely. Though it is safe for skin, it is advised to wear protective gloves while carrying out disinfectant task.

Method of Preparing Disinfectant

For preparing the right quality disinfectant, ensure to mix water and the concentrate in the ratio 1:100. This means 1 part of Bacoban WB is required per 100 litre of distilled water. Once the mixture is prepared, you can pour it into spray bottles or in standard bottles and use it for a variety of purposes. You can easily buy the concentrate from the online marketplace and use it on a daily basis for mopping and disinfecting switches, door knobs, kitchen cabinet’s handle, etc.

Many companies are realizing the importance of Bacoban water based concentrate and highly demanding it for keeping their offices and commercial premise safe and hygiene. Amongst various industries, the demand amongst healthcare and aerospace industries is the highest.


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